WordPress 3.8.2 cookie伪造漏洞及Python使用urllib2出现30x跳转的问题 您所在的位置:网站首页 open redirect漏洞 WordPress 3.8.2 cookie伪造漏洞及Python使用urllib2出现30x跳转的问题

WordPress 3.8.2 cookie伪造漏洞及Python使用urllib2出现30x跳转的问题

#WordPress 3.8.2 cookie伪造漏洞及Python使用urllib2出现30x跳转的问题| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

WordPress 3.8.2 cookie伪造漏洞及Python使用urllib2出现30x跳转的问题On this page背景利用题外话背景

首先看这篇文章:WordPress 3.8.2 cookie伪造漏洞再分析 http://drops.wooyun.org/papers/1409


The dangers of type coercion and remote management plugins

WordPress 3.8.2修复的一个重要漏洞是cookie伪造漏洞 (CVE-2014-0166)。该漏洞可以被攻击者利用通过伪造身份验证Cookie,登陆网站。



也就是说,我们只要把cookies设置成 “admin|$expiration|0”,就可以登陆后台了。


1.尝试$expiration构造Cookie2.GET请求到http://www.example.com/wp-admin/profile.php,根据返回的http header判断是否跳转,如为200则成功3.多线程,有条件使用多机器题外话



The HTTPRedirectHandler automatically deals with HTTP 301, 302, 303 and 307 redirect errors.


#调用urlopen的文件response = urllib2.urlopen(request)#urllib2.py ,line 127, in urlopenreturn _opener.open(url, data, timeout)#urllib2.py ,line 410, in openresponse = meth(req, response)#urllib2.py ,line 523, in http_responseresponse = self.parent.error( 'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)#urllib2.py ,line 442, in errorresult = self._call_chain(*args)#urllib2.py ,line 382, in _call_chainresult = func(*args)#urllib2.py ,line 608, in http_error_302new = self.redirect_request(req, fp, code, msg, headers, newurl)


def redirect_request(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers, newurl): """Return a Request or None in response to a redirect. This is called by the http_error_30x methods when a redirection response is received. If a redirection should take place, return a new Request to allow http_error_30x to perform the redirect. Otherwise, raise HTTPError if no-one else should try to handle this url. Return None if you can't but another Handler might. """ m = req.get_method() if (code in (301, 302, 303, 307) and m in ("GET", "HEAD") or code in (301, 302, 303) and m == "POST"): # Strictly (according to RFC 2616), 301 or 302 in response # to a POST MUST NOT cause a redirection without confirmation # from the user (of urllib2, in this case). In practice, # essentially all clients do redirect in this case, so we # do the same. # be conciliant with URIs containing a space newurl = newurl.replace(' ', '%20') newheaders = dict((k,v) for k,v in req.headers.items() if k.lower() not in ("content-length", "content-type") ) return Request(newurl, headers=newheaders, origin_req_host=req.get_origin_req_host(), unverifiable=True) else: raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, headers, fp)

所以GET遇到状态码(301, 302, 303, 307)时会Request跳转到新的地址,所以我们无法获取这些状态码(没有保存下来)。


#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-import urllib2#自定义handerclass SmartRedirectHandler(urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler): def http_error_301(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers): result = urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_301(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers) result.status = code return result def http_error_302(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers): result = urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_302(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers) result.status = code return result request = urllib2.Request("http://www.example.com/wp-admin/profile.php") opener = urllib2.build_opener(SmartRedirectHandler)urllib2.install_opener(opener)response = urllib2.urlopen(request)print response.status


另外,WordPress 3.8.2补丁分析 HMAC timing attack http://drops.wooyun.org/papers/1404 思路确实很赞。

Tags#博客#Python#WordPressEdit this pageLast updated on 4/9/2023






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